Learn More About Sedation Dentistry

Do you get anxious about visiting the dentist? Have your feelings kept you from getting the dental care you need? It is not uncommon for patients to experience some nervousness when visiting the dentist. In fact, more than 75% of adults have some form of dental anxiety, so you are not alone in your feelings. Delaying routine dental care can lead to serious oral health complications in the future, not to mention that it can also cause complications with your overall health. Postponing needed care can cause significant problems and the need for additional treatments. Dr. Gray has a solution to help you ease your fears and get the dental care you need and deserve — sedation dentistry.

The Superhero Dental Treatment – Let’s Save Your Tooth!

Dr. Ian Gray’s main goal is to save his patients’ natural teeth. When teeth have experienced severe decay or trauma, one way to save them is with root canal therapy. Many people have unrealistic ideas of what a root canal treatment consists of due to the way the procedure is depicted in television and movies. In reality, root canal therapy is an extremely important treatment that helps eliminate discomfort while saving a patient’s natural tooth. We want to explain more about this treatment so our patients understand how it can impact the future of their oral health.

Are You Suffering From This Common Dental Disease?

When most patients visit the dentist their main concerns are typically the state of their teeth and if their teeth are experiencing any decay. While caring about the health of your teeth is wonderful, there is another part of the mouth that can also become extremely damaged and need extensive treatment — your gums. Periodontal disease, also known as gum disease, occurs when the gums become irritated and infected. If left untreated, gum disease can lead to severe complications with your oral health such as tooth loss.