Dr. Ian Gray can help you get a better night’s sleep and improve your quality of life.
What is sleep apnea?
Sleep apnea is a potentially serious sleep disorder in which a person repeatedly stops breathing during the night because the airway is obstructed by the tissues in your mouth and throat. You will eventually start breathing again once your brain becomes aware that your body is being deprived of oxygen and wakes you up. This cycle of disrupted breathing can repeat numerous times every hour during the night, putting your system through quite a bit of stress and resulting in sleep that is far from restful or restorative.
Patients with mild sleep apnea may stop breathing 5 to 14 times per hour, while those with severe sleep apnea can stop breathing more than 30 times per hour. One of the main contributing factors is obesity. Over the long term, sleep apnea very often leads to and definitely exacerbates other potentially serious health problems. It has been linked to increased risk of cardiovascular disease, stroke, high blood pressure, and diabetes, making sleep apnea an increasingly dangerous condition if left untreated.
How do I know if I have Sleep Apnea?
The best way to know for sure is to get diagnosed by a medical professional and undergo a sleep study.
However, there are some signs you may have sleep apnea, including:
- Loud, persistent snoring
- Waking several times during the night
- Headache upon waking in the morning
- Persistent daytime fatigue or drowsiness
- Inability to concentrate at work or during important tasks
- Frequent irritability/mood swings
- Insomnia
If you have any of these symptoms, talk to your doctor to get the proper diagnosis.
What to do if you suspect that you or your partner has sleep apnea
Sleep apnea, while potentially serious, is completely treatable and, in many cases, reversible. The most important step you can take is getting diagnosed by a healthcare professional. Once you know you have sleep apnea and the severity of your condition, you can begin to take steps to treat it.
Since obesity is the leading cause of sleep apnea, taking steps to get to and maintain a healthy weight is a non-surgical way to keep sleep apnea at bay. However, losing weight does not happen overnight and is even more difficult if you are sleep deprived. Additionally, there are many patients with sleep apnea who are not obese; therfore, losing weight would not help them. For these patients, treatment options include CPAP and surgery to remove excess tissue from the back of the throat. There is also something called an oral appliance. That is where Dr. Ian Gray comes in.
Dr. Ian Gray Treats Sleep Apnea
If you have been diagnosed with mild to moderate sleep apnea, you may benefit from an oral appliance that helps position your jaw for optimal sleep. An oral appliance is an alternative to CPAP, which is the most commonly prescribed sleep apnea treatment, or surgery.
If an oral appliance is right for you, after a consultation, examination, and testing, Dr. Gray will have a custom appliance fabricated just for you. Your oral appliance ensures that your jaw stays in the right position all night long to prevent your airway from becoming obstructed while you sleep. As a result, you breathe freely and easily, without interruption, all night long. Your sleep will be restful and restorative, as it is meant to be.
What are the benefits of Sleep Apnea Treatment?
- You will wake up in the morning feeling rested
- You will find it easier to stay alert during the day
- Your concentration and attention span will improve
- You will have more energy to accomplish daily tasks, socialize, and enjoy activities
- You will snore less or stop snoring completely
- You will no longer experience the side effects of sleep apnea, such as frequent headaches, irritability, and persistent drowsiness
In short, getting treatment for sleep apnea can only change your life for the better.
If you suffer from sleep apnea or think you may have a sleep disorder, do not wait. See your doctor to get tested and diagnosed as soon as possible. Then, get the proper treatment to safeguard your health and wellbeing.
To learn more about the sleep apnea treatment that Dr. Gray provides, please contact our office to book your one-on-one consultation.