Tell Your Friends And Family!

Patients like you are the heart of our practice. We are thankful every day that we are able to serve, help, and improve the lives of our patients. It is our goal in the new year to see more patients like you. If you have a friend or family member looking for a new dental home, it would mean so much to us if you share this email or contact them with information about our practice. Continue reading to learn more about what we feel makes our practice so special.

Learn About This Important Treatment

Have you or a loved one recently learned that you need a dental crown and are a little nervous because you are unfamiliar with this treatment? Even if we haven’t recently recommended that you get a dental crown, it is one of the most popular procedures we do. There is a good chance that you or a loved one may need a dental crown in the future. I would like to explain this treatment to help you understand why I may recommend it and why it is important to schedule a visit to my office as soon as possible. Continue reading to learn more.