You Could Be At Risk!
Have you been to our office recently for a routine hygiene examination and cleaning? If not, now is a perfect time to schedule your next appointment. During routine examinations, we do more than thoroughly clean your teeth and inspect your mouth for decay. We also check for signs of gum disease and other serious oral health issues. Continue reading to learn more about one serious oral health issue and to see if you have any symptoms.
Oral Cancer
Oral cancer is a potentially life-threatening disease that affects more than 3 million people each year. We include a cancer screening during each routine oral hygiene examination. Many people are surprised to learn that oral cancer can affect the gums, cheeks, lips, tongue, and upper part of the throat. Early detection is the key to successful treatment. This is why we are passionate about routine oral care in our office.
Ways to Limit Your Risk of Oral Cancer
The best way to limit your risk of oral cancer is to stop using all tobacco products. We also recommend limiting your use of alcohol. It is also important to protect your lips from sun exposure. We recommend applying a chapstick with sunscreen.
Signs of Oral Cancer
Routine oral hygiene examinations are the best way for us to detect oral cancer; however, it is important to know the warning signs:
- Discomfort or tenderness in the gums, cheeks, or tongue
- A change in your bite when you close your mouth
- A sore or irritated area that does not heal
- Red or white patches in your mouth
- A lump or rough spot in your mouth
- Feeling that something is stuck in your throat
- Persistent hoarse voice
If you are suffering from any of the symptoms above or it has been quite some time since your last appointment, be sure to contact our office located in Newmarket, ON to schedule your next visit. While these are warning signs, it doesn’t necessarily mean you have oral cancer. We can complete a screening to ease your concerns. We look forward to seeing you soon!